Meet Danielle
Danielle H. Bradshaw, LMHC, LCPC is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Washington and a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Idaho. She received her Master of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology from The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology in 2015. Danielle’s Washington Mental Health Practitioner license credential number is LH 60916576. Her Idaho Clinical Professional Counselor license number is 7323.
Danielle H. Bradshaw, LMHC, LCPC is a solo psychotherapy practitioner in private practice working with teens, adults, couples, seniors. She is a member of The American Mental Health Counselors Association, The American Counseling Association, The Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study, The Center for Object Relations, The Washington Mental Health Counselors Association, and the Idaho Mental Health Counseling Association.
Services Provided
– Mental Health Therapy
– Behavioral Counseling
– Individualized Psychotherapy
– Patient Assessment & Diagnosis
– Clinical Case Management
– Treatment & Crisis Planning
– Trauma Specialization
– Counseling individuals and couples
– Addressing various behavioral, emotional and cognitive developmental issues
Credentialed with Most Major Insurance Companies
– Blue Cross of Idaho
– Regence Blue Shield
– Independent Provider Network Insurance Companies
By Appointment Only
Working Hours
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Email Me
Confidentiality & Privacy
Confidentiality and Emergency Situations:
Our policies are designed to protect your right to privacy. Both your verbal communication and clinical records are kept strictly confidential.
NOTICE: All of our electronic messages and corresponding documents are covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521, and all included information we address for the specified individual(s)only. All information is confidential and or restricted.
In an emergency situation for which immediate attention is necessary, you, the patient or guardian are to contact 9-1-1 or a Crisis Care Line (425-258-4357, 206-461-3222, or 800-223-8145). As your therapist, Danielle H. Bradshaw, MA, LMHC, will follow-up any emergency services with counseling and support.